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Little Nest Co. is built on a promise:

Our products will always be good,
but most of all,

Caring for your baby’s skin

Once upon a time in a land far far away (Peterborough, actually) a mama found herself spending hours on the internet trying to find the best products for her child and home. It was very rare to find these products all in one place and luxury at a reasonable price.

Everyone can expect to pay a little more for quality, but surely these products could be a little more affordable? Did I even need every item to be organic? Each blog, board and forum highlighted a best “miracle” product to use on my baby but there was no mention of a single place or range that I could just zone in on.

Pure and honest products for baby and you

Out of frustration, and as a way of helping other parents, Bea decided to form Little Nest Co. A safe haven where parents would be able to find products that were good for their children as well as other items that would add little touches of luxury to their home, without being charged an unnecessary premium or being told that they must follow one set of rules.

When I meet a parent whose child is suffering from eczema, or any parent for that matter, I automatically become an information centre. Simply because I don’t want anyone to go through the same sleepless nights I did, researching thousands of products on thousands of websites.

Honest, ethical and good value

And so it begins. At Little Nest Co. we have an open and honest environment which allows parents to read up on our products before deciding which, if any, are appropriate for them. We will provide as much information as possible and also allow parents to have an opportunity to provide feedback (good and bad) for others to see; and we will take all of this on board. We will continue to research and provide information so you don’t have to! What’s the greatest difference between Little Nest Co. and other brands out there? We don’t offer a one size fits all range of products; some of our products will be organic, some will not; some will be natural, some won’t be and some are for baby and some are for you. Our brand encompasses everything it means to start a family and create a home. Our experience and discussions with other parents is proof enough that each family is unique. Our products are not marketed as miracles but we will never sell anything that we don’t truly believe in. There is no pressure on parents to follow a set path, and where we feel it’s necessary we will contradict the norm. Why?

In all honesty I don’t believe anyone is able to keep up with this perfect parent ideal unless they are a machine! and they shouldn’t ever feel like they’re failing because of that. I don’t claim to be a perfect parent but I know it’s OK to use a steroid cream on your child if they are suffering and there doesn’t seem to be another option; I know it’s OK to dress them in cotton top layers if they can tolerate it; I know it’s OK to use a cream that isn’t 100% natural because sometimes it is necessary.