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Essentials Range – Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton clothes Manufacturing process

Most people will not know that the lovely soft clothes they dress their baby in started life as a tiny white flower. This flower is harvested until it becomes an open cotton boll that looks exactly like the cotton balls most people already own. Organic cotton farming requires skill and expertise; as there are no nasty chemicals used, the crop must be protected from insects and pests but also be manually weeded and rotated to ensure it reaches optimum growth.

Once harvested, our top quality organic cotton is sent to the spinning mill to be spun into yarn. The yarn will define the overall quality of the finished products, so this is a very important step in the process. A large, modern mill can produce enough yarn or thread in 30 days to wrap around the earth 2300 times or do a round trip from the moon 235 times. The Yarn is then placed on to machines to be knitted and weaved in to the cotton that is used for our beautiful Essentials range.

The next stage is dyeing and printing. We use low-impact, fibre-reactive dyes that are safe, GOTS certified and “low impact,” which means that we use less water, less heat and produce less waste runoff than regular chemical dyeing processes. They contain no heavy metals or other known toxic substances, and they meet all EU criteria for eco-friendly pigments.